

The merits and demerits of an iPad in WELL
(Web Enhanced Language Learning)
in teaching writing for large Univ. EFL classes in Japan

A paper read at JALTCALL 2011, Kurume University, Mii Campus, Fukuoka

Pre-conference workshops: Friday, June 3.
Conference: Saturday & Sunday, June 4 - 5, 2011.

This presentation shows how Web Enhanced Language Learning (WELL) and CALL in general can be augmented by a new gadget: iPad, reviewing a one year pilot study of using an iPad by the instructor in a regular university EFL classes. An iPad was used as an instructor mode to present in class as much contents and materials as possible. An iPad was used as a show and tell gadget for the class, while students had no iPads, but an access to the internet from each client PC in a CALL lab. No textbook was assigned, and related web and wiki pages, and review quizzes were compiled by the instructor. Web links and quiz results were announced via a campus BBS. Review quizzes and the final exam were administered totally online.

Teaching with WELL or CALL begins with some warm up and topic related activities, students’ own internet research to gather material with guided questions, followed by an oral presentation in class based on their research, and compiling reports using Microsoft Word in the consecutive following week. Some students used Power Point for class presentation.

Mainly the paper will describe how much the actual lesson activities required compiling web pages and quizzes and the content preparation on an iPad, with some demonstrations if possible. An assessment or grading of student papers was literally a trail and error pilot study comparing feasibility of grading on an iPad and by paper. The paper will discuss some minor problems using an iPad in teaching, and ways to deal with them.

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