
KG101007 - Presentation


From: myasuda, 1 hour ago

KG Univ. 10/10/07 - "Challenges of computer and Internet use in CALL: A pilot field study of 'Groupware,' 'Weblogs,' and 'Text to Speech' tools in university EFL classes" A paper read at Foreign Language Section, School of Law & Politics, Kwansei Gakuin Univ., October 10, 2007

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RSS Feed Mixer Project 2007 - text2speech

Since our 'Feed2Podcast' widgets are no longer working as thier domain server has been closed for unknown reasons, I have started to look for alternative tools and gadgets which would mix RSS Feeds to generate "text2speech podcast" or audio files online on weblogs.

As of October 5th, I have test driven all of the following options at my home with much success, in lieu of ‘Feed2Postcast' widgets. I have embeded some of RSS feeds on RSS readers.
  1. yyy<– my protopage with RSS feed widgets [Public]
  2. yyy<–http://www.netvibes.com/ [Public]<--French designer
  3. yyy<– Register: and the result: --> http://my.yahoo.com/p/2.html [Private?]
  4. yyy<– http://www.google.com/ig?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&hl=ja iGoogle [Private]

  5. PageflakesLogo.jpg - pageflakes.png -Added 10/6/07-: http://www.pageflakes.com/myasuda/1117018/ [Public/Group] <--German designer

  1. Non-working Feed2Postcast' widgets-->yyy <-Click - June, 2007.
  2. The mirror weblog site: Click-->wordpress-logo.png WordPress <--Click


Berkeley Putting University Classes On YouTube

Berkeley Putting University Classes On YouTube, October 3rd, 2007
  • podcastingnews.com

  • YouTube - You See Berkeley

    1. berkley-youtube.jpgThe University of California, Berkeley, announced today that it is making entire course lectures and special events available, free of charge, on YouTube.
      UC Berkeley is the first university to make videos of full courses available through YouTube. Visitors to the site can view more than 300 hours of videotaped courses and events. Topics range from bioengineering, to peace and conflict studies, to “Physics for Future Presidents”.

        via WebWare(<–Click) ”Berkeley officials claimed in a statement that the university is the first to make full course lectures available on YouTube. The school said that over 300 hours of videotaped courses will be available at http://youtube.com/ucberkeley.”