
RSS Feed Mixer Project 2007 - text2speech

Since our 'Feed2Podcast' widgets are no longer working as thier domain server has been closed for unknown reasons, I have started to look for alternative tools and gadgets which would mix RSS Feeds to generate "text2speech podcast" or audio files online on weblogs.

As of October 5th, I have test driven all of the following options at my home with much success, in lieu of ‘Feed2Postcast' widgets. I have embeded some of RSS feeds on RSS readers.
  1. yyy<– my protopage with RSS feed widgets [Public]
  2. yyy<–http://www.netvibes.com/ [Public]<--French designer
  3. yyy<– Register: and the result: --> http://my.yahoo.com/p/2.html [Private?]
  4. yyy<– http://www.google.com/ig?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&hl=ja iGoogle [Private]

  5. PageflakesLogo.jpg - pageflakes.png -Added 10/6/07-: http://www.pageflakes.com/myasuda/1117018/ [Public/Group] <--German designer

  1. Non-working Feed2Postcast' widgets-->yyy <-Click - June, 2007.
  2. The mirror weblog site: Click-->wordpress-logo.png WordPress <--Click